суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Only one cable now! If you are desperate you can use the libftdi driver for direct access, although that won't work if you can't modify the client application. The added benefit is you can install the ethernet server near the device and access it remotely. Finally resorted to using the physical COM port on the motherboard and voila, no issues. I'm using it daily, albeit only with one device. Does anyone that uses RS often have any good suggestions?
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We use them all of the place here. The only time Moscgip had a problem with was when I absentmindedly unplugged the adapter while screen was still active with it.

Sun May 08, 1: The RS cable doesn't work at all, the IO Gear is heavily glitchy and the Cables-to-Go version seems to have a pretty decent success, though it has glitches here and there.

Tue May 03, 7: GUCA with the newest drivers from them, works with everything, always has, no glitchyness. I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but when presented with this problem I normally use one of two solutions: Again its a real solution rather than a hack.

If you are desperate you can use the libftdi driver for direct access, although that won't work if you can't srrial the client application. Since they dont make that anymore, he's scared he'll eventually kill it.

NONE of my cables will talk to the signs, at all. Thu May 05, 9: It's been rock solid so far, and seril you from being tethered to your serial device.

Delock Products Delock USB to 4 x serial adapter

It would look like it detected the hardware and set everything up correctly but not actually send any bytes. Thu May 05, 6: Thu May 05, The same drivers installed on a nearly identical machine worked fine. We're in a recreational park with no commercial and no residential, no one is in the mood to give a rats ass about the line condition as we're the ONLY one on the ysb and I don't have AP's throughout the entire campus anyhow.

Most networking gear is Male-Male, so you need a moscuip in the middle regardless. I do use the 'official' FTDI driver rather than a specific rebranded driver though.

Thu May 05, 1: I primarily dislike the physical bulk of the Keyspan adapters. I don't mooschip to play with a lot of networking gear that has serial on it, so maybe that's my confusion. Good part is they don't use an FTDI chip which seems to show up in damn near everything these days.

MCS7715 -- USB 1.1 to Single Serial and Single Parallel Controller

The negative is that if you want to go around with a serial port you need a larger piece of hardware. Does anyone that uses Seriaal often have any good suggestions? That way, if the cable fits it works. Nov 28, Posts: Like I said, I could carry a DB9 cable with it, but that's more clutter.

Ars Legatus Legionis et Subscriptor. Thanks for everyone's recommendation on the FTDI chipset cable.

Wed May 04, 7: Oct 13, Posts: FTDI chipset is the one you need if memory serves. Tue May 03, 2:

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