воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


In order to use the Altera tools some preparation in the shell must be made. Change into the package directory and configure the FPGA: At first the FPGA has to be loaded with the configuration file. The default system does start telnet. Personal tools Create account Log in. This can be downloaded by another special tool nios2-download. If an Ethernet cable is connected a simple web-site can be visited at the boards IP address.
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After downloading the archive unpack it: Configuration succeeded -- 1 device s configured Info Please refer to the following for more information Git Server.

You may experience intermittent JTAG communication nios2-terminal: Registered protocol family 1 RPC: After downloading the linxu unpack it:.

aFPGA: BeMicro SDK #2

Views Page Discussion View source History. The direct download of the package is available here. This allows to read all the messages from the booting Linux kernel: The software part of the package contains the Linux kernel that is bundled with an inital ram file system initramfs.

This controller is provided by Microtonix, and evaluation for the IP core can be requested from the following link www.

Linux Development Boards and Kits Qsys. Registered protocol family 2 IP route cache hash table entries: A precompiled image is provided with the files in kinux download section.

Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver sdhci: The default system does start telnet. Please refer to the file nios2-terminal: Successfully performed operation s Info For later use of this changes put linyx into the configuration of the shell or a separate script that can be called before starting work.

aFPGA: BeMicro SDK #2 –

The nios2-configure-sof command found in the path added above in the PATH environment variable will pick the only one sof-file in the directory, choose the single available programmer give the right one by a parameter if several are available and configure the FPGA.

Change into the package directory and configure the FPGA:. You are free to use this design in any way you like. ljnux

Total CPU time on all processors: This can be downloaded by another special tool nios2-download. At first the FPGA has to be loaded with the configuration file. Below is a screenshot of the added TLB memory with procesor interface. To bring up the ethernet interface, type "ifconfig eth0 kinux To run the design, please follow these steps.

Getting started with the Altera BeMicro SDK on Linux

Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled. A license is required to recompile the design, however I have provided a precompiled SOF with the project.

The second command nios2-terminal will start a new JTAG- terminal immediately after finishing the download. Retrieved from " https: Booting to single user mode BusyBox v1.

Quartus II bit Programmer was successful. This allows to read all the messages from the booting Linux kernel:.

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